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Activities - Dog Sledding

Howling Dog Tours www.howlingdogtours.com
Howling Dog Tours is owned and operated by Rich and Dana Bittner and based in the Canadian Rockies resort town of Canmore, Alberta, Canada. With over 10 years in business, they started their dog mushing career on the sprint racing circuit in Western Canada.

Over the past decade, they have participated in countless competitive events, ranging from 4 to 150 mile races. They've traveled from Whistler BC to The Pas, Manitoba, to Yellowknife NWT. After living in Yellowknife NWT for 4 years, they relocated to Canmore, Alberta, Canada, which has been the base of their mushing operations since 1995.

Howling Dog Tours is a family operation that believes everyone should experience the thrill of a dog sled racing team...and the pristine beauty of the Canadian Rockies.




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